Everything authored by or among Anglo-Saxons before 1100 CE, in development.
Internet Archive (drm decrypter for 14d-loan pdfs, python script for 1h-loan images, partial image url guide for 1h-loans, or append "/page/1" to url)
HathiTrust (image urls accessible and sequential, no workaround for limited)
Google Books (image url retriever, no workaround for preview or snippets)
Libraries (find with WorldCat, Library Hub Discover, or Google using "site:primo.exlibrisgroup.com", request interlibrary loan, digitize for personal use)
ProQuest (low quality microfilm scans, no workaround for preview)
Amazon (possibly use drm decrypter then return ebooks, untried due to ethical and financial risk)
Transcripts (Project Gutenberg, Wikisource, Early English Books Online)
Excel catalog of Early English Books Online transcripts (compiled with python scripts 1 and 2, years extracted with perl script 3)
To download list of image urls use bash: wget "$URL" -O page001.jpg
To browse exlibrisgroup catalogs faster, append "&offset=10" to url and increase by 10
Search terms: anglo, saxon, england, english, britain, british, medieval
Catalogs (i.e. lists of primary sources, excluding editions)
Narrow (i.e. genre, location, author)
2017 The Complete Old English Poems. Williamson [repository]
1995 Anglo-Saxon Church Councils c.650-c.850. Cubitt
1988 A handlist of Anglo-Saxon lawsuits. Wormald [repository]
1976 Sources for York History to AD 1100. Rollason
1968 Anglo-Saxon Charters. Sawyer [digitized]
Broad (i.e. language, period)
2014 Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts. Gneuss [repository]
2001 Handlist of Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts. Gneuss
1973 A Plan for the Dictionary of Old English. Frank [digitized]
1957 Catalogue of Manuscripts Containing Anglo-Saxon. Ker
1862 Descriptive catalogue of materials relating to the history of Great Britain Vol I Part II. Hardy [digitized]
1862 Descriptive catalogue of materials relating to the history of Great Britain Vol I Part I. Hardy [digitized]
Bibliographies (i.e. lists of secondary sources, excluding catalogs)
2006 Anglo-Saxon England, Seventh Edition. Keynes [PDF] [table of contents]
1985 Anglo-Saxon History. Rosenthal [digitized]
1980 A Bibliography of Publications on Old English Literature. Greenfield [digitized] [list of texts]
1917 Old English scholarship in England from 1566-1800. Adams [digitized]
1910 Bibliographical Sketch of Anglo-Saxon Literature. Ayres [digitized]
1900 The Sources and Literature of English History from the Earliest Times to About 1485. Gross [digitized]
1885 Grundriss zur Geschichte der angelsächsischen Litteratur. Wülker [digitized]
1840 Anglo-Saxon Literature in England. Petheram [digitized]
1837 Bibliotheque anglo-saxonne. Michel [digitized]
Editions (i.e. reconstructions of primary sources)
2002 The Beginnings of English Law. Oliver
1994 Biblical Commentaries from the Canterbury School of Theodore and Hadrian. Bischoff
1931 The Junius Manuscript. Krapp [digitized]
1930 Anglo-Saxon Wills. Whitelock [digitized]
1919 Aldhelmi Opera. Ehwald [digitized]
1917 An Anglo-Saxon Reader, Fourth Edition. Bright [digitized]
1914 Select English historical documents of the ninth and tenth centuries. Harmer [digitized]
1903 Die Gesetze der Angelsachsen. Liebermann [digitized]
1902 Angelsächsisches Lesebuch. Kluge [digitized]
1888 A Hand-Book to the Land-Charters, and other Saxonic Documents. Earle [digitized]
1885 Cartularium Saxonicum Vol I. Birch [digitized]
1885 The Oldest English Texts. Sweet [digitized]
1869 Councils and ecclesiastical documents relating to Great Britain and Ireland Vol III. Haddan [digitized]
1848 Monumenta Historica Britannica or Materials for the History of Britain Volume I. Petrie [digitized]
1843 The Complete Works Of Venerable Bede Vol I. Giles [digitized]
1832 Die Gesetze der Angelsachsen. Schmid [digitized]
1574 Aelfredi regis res gestae. Parker [digitized]
1571 The Gospels of the fower Euangelistes. Foxe [digitized]
1568 Apxaionomia. Lambardo
1567 A Testimonie of Antiquitie. Joscelin [digitized]
Compilations (i.e. extracts of primary sources, excluding editions)
1889 An introduction to the study of the Anglo-Saxon language. Carpenter [digitized]
1887 A Second Anglo-Saxon Reader. Sweet [digitized]
1876 Sweet's Anglo-Saxon Reader, Thirteenth Edition. Onions [digitized]
1871 Hand-book of Anglo-Saxon and early English. Corson [digitized]
1602 Anglica, hibernica, normannica, cambrica, a veteribvs scripta. Camden [digitized]
Overviews (i.e. discussions of primary sources, excluding catalogs)
Narrow (i.e. genre, location, author)
2019 Anglo-Saxon Micro-Texts. Lenker [repository]
2015 The Old English Penitentials and Anglo-Saxon Law. Jurasinski [repository]
1985 Aldhelm The Poetic Works. Lapidge
1982 The tradition of penitentials in Anglo-Saxon England. Frantzen [repository]
1979 Aldhelm The Prose Works. Lapidge [digitized]
1938 Medieval Handbooks of Penance. McNeill [digitized]
1923 English penitential discipline and Anglo-Saxon law in their joint influence. Oakley [digitized]
1867 The Chartulary of the Monastery of Lyminge. Goulden [digitized]
1852 The Whole Works of King Alfred the Great Vol II. Giles [digitized]
1852 The Whole Works of King Alfred the Great Vol I. Giles [digitized]
1599 The principal navigations. Haklvyt [digitized]
1576 A Perambulation of Kent. Lambard [transcript]
1570 Actes and Monuments, Second Edition. Foxe [transcript]
(1567) A defence of priestes mariages. (Parker) [transcript]
1565 The history of the Church of Englande. Stapleton [transcript]
Broad (i.e. language, period)
2014 The Anglo-Saxon Literature Handbook. Amodio [repository] [list of texts]
2013 A History of Old English Literature, Second Edition. Fulk [repository]
2013 The Cambridge Companion to Old English Literature, Second Edition. Godden [repository]
2013 The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Anglo-Saxon England, Second Edition. Lapidge [repository]
2011 The Cambridge History of the Book in Britain, Volume I. Gameson [repository]
2005 The Anglo-Saxon Library. Lapidge
2003 A History of Old English Literature. Fulk [PDF]
2001 A Companion to Anglo-Saxon Literature. Pulsiano [repository]
1996 Anglo-Latin Literature 600-899. Lapidge [digitized]
1996 English Historical Documents c. 500-1042, Second Edition. Whitelock [list of texts]
1993 Anglo-Latin Literature 900-1066. Lapidge [digitized]
1986 A New Critical History of Old English Literature. Greenfield [digitized]
1985 Learning and Literature in Anglo-Saxon England. Lapidge [repository]
1981 Insular Latin Studies. Herren
1974 Historical Writing in England c. 550 to c. 1307. Grandsen [digitized]
1973 Old English Literature. Grose [digitized]
1972 A Student's Guide to British Literature. Dick [digitized]
1966 The Literature of the Anglo-Saxons, Revised Edition. Anderson
1965 A Critical History of Old English Literature. Greenfield [digitized]
1963 Old English Handbook. Anderson [digitized]
1949 The Literature of the Anglo-Saxons. Anderson [digitized]
1911 Old English Libraries. Savage [digitized] [transcript]
1907 The Cambridge history of English literature, Volume I. Ward [digitized]
1884 Anglo-Saxon Literature. Earle [digitized] [transcript]
1881 A Syllabus of Anglo-Saxon Literature. Hart [digitized]
1858 Cyclopaedia of English literature Vol I. Chambers [digitized]
1597 De literis & lingua getarum. Vvlcanio [digitized]
1587 The third volume of chronicles. Holinshed [transcript]
2003 Carolingian Connections. Story
1997 Anglo-Norman Political Culture and the 12th-Century Renaissance. Hollister
1982 Byrhtferth of Ramsey and the early sections of the Historia Regum attributed to Symeon of Durham. Lapidge [repository]
1978 Self-contained units in composite manuscripts of the Anglo-Saxon period. Robinson [repository]
Books to find
2011 The Cambridge Introduction to Anglo-Saxon Literature. Magennis [preview]
2006 Anglo-Saxon Royal Diplomas: A Palaeography. Thompson
2006 Writing and Texts in Anglo-Saxon England. Rumble
1998 Anglo-Saxon History: A Select Bibliography. Keynes
1996 Books and Libraries in Early England. Gneuss [snippet]
1988 Medieval England An Encyclopedia. Szarmach [preview]
1976 Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts 900-1066 Vol 3. Temple
1976 Anglo-Saxon Vernacular Manuscripts in America. Collins
1975 A Bibliography of English History to 1485. Graves
1974 The New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature Vol I 600-1660. Watson
1971 England Before the Conquest Studies in Primary Sources presented to Dorothy Whitelock. Clemoes [preview]
1957 An Anglo-Saxon and Celtic Bibliography (450-1087). Bosner [preview]
1956 Anglo-Saxon Charters, Second Edition. Robertson [preview]
1955 English Historical Documents c. 500-1042. Whitelock [snippet]
1953 Beowulf, and Judith. Dobbie
1942 The Anglo-Saxon Minor Poems. Dobbie
1936 The Exeter Book. Krapp
1932 The Paris Psalter and the meters of Boethius. Krapp
1932 The Vercelli Book. Krapp
1929 Die Canones Theodori Cantuariensis und ihre Überlieferungsformen. Finsterwalder
1925 Preparatory to Anglo-Saxon England. Stenton [preview]
1572 De antiquitate britannicase ecclesiae
Mirabile middle Latin manuscripts
Earlier Latin manuscripts Google "Anglo-Saxon site:https://elmss.nuigalway.ie"
Early English Laws
Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts at Cambridge University Library
Medieval Sourcebook: Anglo-Saxon England
Prosopography of Anglo-Saxon England
The Electronic Sawyer of Anglo-Saxon charters
Anglo-Saxon Penitentials
Anglo-Saxon Charters at the British Library
Anglo-Saxon Poetry
Dictionary of Old English see list of texts
Anonymous Homilies in Old English
The Cult of Saints in Late Antiquity search "Britain" in full records query
Anglo-Saxon Index at Trinity College Cambridge from 2005, last archived in 2012
The Labyrinth Resources for Medieval Studies contains external links in the sections titled "English, Old", "Manuscripts" and "Latin"
The Old English Manuscripts Database archived in 2007, includes a partly finished downloadable excel table of authors and works
Old English Bibliography 2005
EuroDocs, History of the United Kingdom: Primary Documents
Anglo-Saxon Canon Law, related PhD thesis
Fontes Anglo-Saxonici, deprecated, but has list of select manuscripts. Archived here.
Sources of Anglo-Saxon Literary Culture, source project, static since 2013
Anglo-Saxon law, List of works by Bede, Old English literature, Anglo-Latin literature, Anglo-Saxon runes, Lapidge bibliography, Codices Latini Antiquiores, Anglo-Saxon charters
Aldhelm, Tatwine, Bede, Boniface, Alcuin, Alfred, Ælfric
2020 Roman and Runic in the Anglo-Saxon Inscriptions at Monte Sant’Angelo. Waldispühl repository, images
2019 Absolute chronology of early sound changes reflected in Pre-Old English runic inscriptions. Waxenberger repository
2018 A fourth supplement to Hand-List of Anglo-Saxon Non-Runic Inscriptions. Okasha repository
2013 Recording English, Researching English, Transforming English. Sauer repository
2004 A third supplement to Hand-List of Anglo-Saxon Non-Runic Inscriptions. Okasha repository
1995 Runes and Runic Inscriptions: Collected Essays on Anglo-Saxon and Viking Runes. Page preview
1992 A second supplement to Hand-List of Anglo-Saxon Non-Runic Inscriptions. Okasha repository
1991 Old English Runes and Their Continental Background. Bammesberger searchable
1990 Britain 400–600: Language and history. Bammesberger searchable 1, searchable 2
1982 A supplement to Hand-List of Anglo-Saxon Non-Runic Inscriptions. Okasha repository
1973 The Anglo-Saxon Cemeteries of Caistor-by-Norwich and Markshall, Norfolk. Myres [repository]
1971 Hand-List of Anglo-Saxon Non-Runic Inscriptions Okasha
1885 The Oldest English Texts Sweet full-text
1866 The old-northern runic monuments of Scandinavia and England, Vol I. Stephens [digitized]
1840 On Anglo-Saxon Runes. Kemble repository
Corpus of Anglo-Saxon stone sculpture, Google "inscription site:www.ascorpus.ac.uk/catvol1" for 1 to 11
Germanic Runes Database in development. Great Britain country. Search "OE" in "Filter entries..." field. Google "OE site:https://www.runesdb.de" and "OE site:https://www.runesdb.eu" Note: Isle of Man is categorized separately, example IM MM102
Anglo-Saxon runes wiki page listing some inscriptons
Anglo-Saxon Runic Inscriptions around the North Sea
Frisian runic inscriptions list, some considered English
2017 A catalogue of manuscripts known to contain Old English dry-point glosses Dieter full-text
1998 More Glosses in Early Medieval English Manuscripts McGowan full text
1945 Old English Glosses (A Collection) Meritt full-text
1900 Old English Glosses Chiefly Unpublished Napier full-text
Old English Glosses in the Bergmann/Stricker-Katalog of old German glosses
2008 Early Anglo-Saxon Coins Williams searchable
2006 Coinage and History in the North Sea World c. 500-1250. Cook preview
2003 The Iconography of Early Anglo-Saxon Coinage Gannon preview
1993 Thrymsas and Sceattas in the Ashmolean Museum Oxford Vol I Metcalf searchable
1948 Anglo-Saxon Gold Coinage in the Light of the Crondall Hoard Sutherland searchable
1887 A catalogue of English coins in the British museum. Anglo-Saxon series Keary full-text
Checklist of Coin Hoards from the British Isles
Corpus of Early Medieval Coin Finds & Sylloge of Coins of the British Isles database
History of the English penny (c. 600 – 1066)
Portable Antiquities Scheme, 4807 coins as of August 2020
Anglo-Saxon England
NOWELE: North-Western European Language Evolution
Notes to self
Move this partly accessible 2002 translation to herbarium page
Werden fragments possibly related to the Epinal-Erfurt Glossary
Leiden riddle freely viewable here
Note to self: reply to this guy when done
Consider including material written about or copied by Anglo-Saxons, or written in England by non-Anglo-Saxons
Boniface era Northumbrian proverb probably found in one of these manuscripts
Descriptions and type (ex. original, translation, adaptation) may be included.
Reconstruction word count might be most useful.
This temple by Bugge's beautiful effort was built/Of meter and riddles and also feet rules
Broad dating periods sorted by the latest value in the first period. (ex. 6th-10th century appears at the end of the 6th century, 599)
Early-, mid- and late- century descriptions interpreted as thirds for chronological ordering. (ex. 0-33,34-66,67-99)
Consider consulting anglo-saxon dictionary bibliographies for source material
catalogue entry for frankish annals
basilica of peter and paul is in Phil 1825
Titles taken from most recent peer-reviewed English study or translation
left off:https://archive.org/details/churchhistorpt203unknuoft/page/n77/mode/2up,http://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/657/pg657-images.html,http://asc.jebbo.co.uk/intro.html
Latin OCR for tesseract transcription of manuscripts
Text reconstructions and translations favor completeness, peer review, recency, plaintext, and single page in that order.
Titles will lead to manuscripts, reconstructions, translations, transcripts with character counts, date/location references, source documents, wiki links.
Name | Author | Date | Language | Type | Oldest Copy | Text | Translation |
Caistor-by-Norwich astragalus | 425-475 | English | Inscription | 425-475 | undated | undated | |
Undley, bracteate | 450-500 | English | Inscription | 450-500 | undated | ||
Loveden Hill, cremation urn | sïþæbæd | 450-550 | English | Inscription | 450-550 | undated | undated |
Spong Hill, cremation urn | 450-550 | English | Inscription | 450-550 | undated | undated | |
Binham, bracteate I | 475-525 | English | Inscription | 475-525 | undated | ||
Watchfield, mount | Wusa | 500-550 | English | Inscription | 500-550 | undated | undated |
West Heslerton, brooch | 500-550 | English | Inscription | 500-550 | undated | ||
Welbeck Hill, bracteate | 500-570 | English | Inscription | 500-570 | undated | ||
Ash-Gilton, sword pommel | 500-600 | English | Inscription | 500-600 | undated | ||
Cleatham, hanging bowl | 500-700 | English | Inscription | 500-700 | undated | ||
Chessell Down, pail | 520-570 | English | Inscription | 520-570 | undated | ||
Chessell Down, scabbard mouthpiece | 525-550 | English | Inscription | 525-550 | undated | undated | |
Wakerley, brooch | 525-560 | English | Inscription | 525-560 | undated | ||
Dover, brooch | 575-625 | English | Inscription | 575-625 | undated | ||
Selsey, fragments | 575-800 | English | Inscription | 575-800 | undated | ||
Prittlewell silver spoon | Fabi, Brit, Romn | 580 | Latin | Inscription | 580 | 2019 | 2019 |
Laws of Æthelberht | Æthelberht 3 | 600 | English | Manuscript | 1122-1124 | 2002 | 2002 |
Mote Of Mark, bone | 600-700 | English | Inscription | 600-700 | undated | ||
Caistor-by-Norwich, brooch | Luda | 610-650 | English | Inscription | 610-650 | undated | undated |
Eadbald shilling, Canterbury | Eadbald 2 | 616-640 | Latin | Coin | 616-640 | 2006 | 2006 |
Eadbald shilling, London | Eadbald 2 | 616-640 | Latin | Coin | 616-640 | 1998 | 1998 |
Witmen shilling | Witmen | 630 | Latin | Coin | 630 | 1948 | |
Frankish Annals of Lindisfarne and Kent | 640-704 | Latin | Manuscript | 740-750 | 2005 | ||
Postwick seal-ring | Baldehildis | 648-680 | Latin | Inscription | 648-680 No. 57 | 1998 No. 8 | 1999 No. 57 |
Lindisfarne, stone 1 | Osgyth 1 | 650-800 | English | Inscription | 650-800 | undated | undated |
Lindisfarne, stone 2 | Inscription | 650-800 | English | Inscription | 650-800 | undated | |
Overchurch, stone | Æþelmund | 650-800 | English | Inscription | 650-800 | undated | undated |
Roma, Santi Marcellino e Pietro ad Duas Lauros, graffiti | 650-825 | English | Inscription | 650-825 | undated | ||
Brandon, tweezers | Aldred | 650-850 | English | Inscription | 650-850 | undated | undated |
Bakewell, stone | Helgi | 650-900 | English | Inscription | 650-900 | undated | undated |
Collingham, stone | 650-900 | English | Inscription | 650-900 | undated | ||
Southampton, bone 1 | 650-900 | English | Inscription | 650-900 | undated | undated | |
Whitby, comb | 650-900 | English | Inscription | 650-900 | undated | undated | |
Canterbury biblical commentaries | 670-690 | Latin | Manuscript | 2nd half 8th century | 1994 | ||
On the Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul | Aldhelm 3 | 675 | Latin | Manuscript | 9th century | 1919 | 1985 |
Theodore's poem to Hæddi | Theodore 1 | 676-690 | Latin | Manuscript | 2nd half 10th century (154v) | 1995 | |
Monkwearmouth, stone 2 | 675-800 | English | Inscription | 675-800 | undated | ||
Brandon, antler handle | 675-825 | English | Inscription | 675-825 | undated | undated | |
Keswick, runic disc | 675-825 | English | Inscription | 675-825 | undated | ||
Monte Sant'Angelo, graffiti | 675-850 | English | Inscription | 675-850 | 2020 | 2020 | |
St. Ninian's Cave, stone | 675-1100 | English | Inscription | 675-1100 | undated | ||
Grant of King Hlothhere of Kent to Abbot Beorhtwald and his monastery | Hlothhere 1 | 679 May | Latin | Manuscript | 679 | 2010 | 2010 |
Council of Hatfield | Theodore 1 | 679 Sep | Latin | Manuscript | 748-800 | 1896 | 1907 |
Wilfrid's subscription | Wilfrid 2 | 680 | Latin | Manuscript | 1765 | ||
Letter to Æthelred (in Life of St Wilfrid) | Theodore 1 | 685 | Latin | Manuscript | |||
On the Basilica of the Blessed Mary, Perpetual Virgin | Aldhelm 3 | 685 | Latin | Manuscript | 9th century | 1919 | 1985 |
St Paul's dedication stone | Ceolfrid | 685 Apr 23 | Latin | Inscription | 685 | 1977 | 1977 |
Laws of Hloþhere & Eadric | Hlothhere 1, Eadric 5 | 685-686 | English | Manuscript | 1122-1124 | 2002 | 2002 |
Roma, Cimitero Di Commodilla, graffito | Eadbald 1 | 685-801 | English | Inscription | 685-801 | undated | |
Grant of Hodilredus to abbess Hedilburg | Æthelred 4 | 686-688 | Latin | Manuscript | 2nd half 8th century | 2010 | |
On the Church of Mary Built by Bugga | Aldhelm 3 | 690 | Latin | Manuscript | 9th century | 1919* III-V | 1985* |
Theodore's epitaph | Aldhelm 3 | 690 | Latin | Manuscript | 748-800 | 1896 | 1907 |
Laws of Wihtred | Wihtred 1 | 695 | English | Manuscript | 1122-1124 | 2010 | 2010 |
Wihtred, king of Kent, to St Mary's Church, Lyminge | Wihtred 1 | 697-712 | Latin | Manuscript | 697-712 | 2010 | 2010 |
St. Cuthbert's coffin | 698 | Latin | Inscription | 698 | undated | undated | |
Little Carlton lead tablet | Cudberge | 7th-9th century | English | Inscription | 7th-9th century | 2012 | 2012 |
Staffordshire gold strip | 700 | Latin | Inscription | 700 | 2011 | 2011 | |
Ecclesiastical History of the English People | Bede 1 | 731 | Latin | Manuscript | 748-800 | 1896 | 1907 |
Continuation of Bede | 731-766 | Latin | Manuscript | 748-800 | 1994* | 1907 | |
First Set of Northern Annals | 732-802 | Latin | Manuscript | 1164 (58v-68v) | 1855 | ||
Moore Memoranda | 734-748 | Latin | Manuscript | 748-800 | 1990 | 1990* | |
Second Set of Northern Annals | 888-957 | Latin | Manuscript | 1164 (75r-76r) | 1855 | ||
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle | English | Manuscript |
Of meter and riddles and also feet rules | Aldhelm 3 | 685-705 | Latin | 1st third 9th c. | 1919 | 2015* |
Herbarium | her? | 600-899 | English | 1000-1024 | 1864 | 1864 |
Reckoning of Time | Bede | 725 | Latin English | 725 | 1943 | 1999 |
Life of St. Gregory | GREGORII ... DE UITA | 700-709 | Latin | 800-899 | 1904 | 1904* |
Life of St. Cuthbert | VITA SC?I CVDBERCTI | 699-705 | Latin | 821-836 | 1940* | 1940* |
Menologium | late 10th century | English | ||||
Martyrology | 871-899 | English | ||||
Beowulf | 700-1000 | English | ||||
De temporibus | 703 | Latin | ||||
Pastoral Care | English | |||||
Quadruped medicine | English | 1914 | 1914 | |||
Bede letters | Latin | |||||
Aldhelm letters | Latin | |||||
Épinal-Erfurt glossary | amite? loerge | late 7th century | Latin English | 701-750 | 1885* | |
Cædmon's Hymn | hergen | 658-680 | English | 737 | ||
Metrical Life of St. Cuthbert (Bede) | Latin | |||||
Prose Life of St. Cuthbert (Bede) | ||||||
Explanation of the Apocalypse (Bede) | Expositio Apocalypseos | 710-716 | Latin | 1878 | ||
Enigmata (Boniface) | ||||||
Second Erfurt glossary | Latin English | 851-900* | 1885* | |||
Third Erfurt glossary | Latin English | 851-900* | 1885* | |||
First Corpus glossary | Latin English | early 9th century | 1885* | |||
Second Corpus glossary | Latin English | early 9th century | 1885* | |||
Leiden glossary | Latin English | 1885* | ||||
Northumbrian king list | regalis nordanhymbror? | 737 | Latin English | 737 | 1885 | |
Bede's Death Song | English | |||||
Cuthbert's Letter | 735 | Latin English | 860 | |||
Leiden Riddle | English | 2nd quarter 9th c. | ||||
Dicts of Cato | mid 10th-mid 11th c. | English | 11th-12th c. | 1972 | ||
Tribal Hidage | 7th-9th c. | English | ||||
Life of St. Wilfrid | 709-720 | Latin | ||||
Divorce Poem | late 7th c. | Latin | 2nd half 9th c. | |||
Eusebius Shilling | Eusebius | early 7th c. | Latin | early 7th c. | 2006 | 2006 |
Luidhard Medalet |
Title | Endonym | Date (CE) | Languages | Reconstruction | Translation |
Ruthwell Cross | late 7th-mid 8th c. | English | |||
Franks Casket | early 8th c. | English | |||
Bewcastle Cross | 1st half 8th c. | English | 1885 |
Title | Endonym | Date (CE) | Languages | Reconstruction | Translation |
Blickling Psalter | 730* | English | 1885 | ||
Vespasian Psalter | 2nd quarter 9th c. | English | |||
If you have difficulty accessing a book, I recommend reading this article about Sci-Hub and Library Genesis. Otherwise see:Internet Archive (drm decrypter for 14d-loan pdfs, python script for 1h-loan images, partial image url guide for 1h-loans, or append "/page/1" to url)
HathiTrust (image urls accessible and sequential, no workaround for limited)
Google Books (image url retriever, no workaround for preview or snippets)
Libraries (find with WorldCat, Library Hub Discover, or Google using "site:primo.exlibrisgroup.com", request interlibrary loan, digitize for personal use)
ProQuest (low quality microfilm scans, no workaround for preview)
Amazon (possibly use drm decrypter then return ebooks, untried due to ethical and financial risk)
Transcripts (Project Gutenberg, Wikisource, Early English Books Online)
Excel catalog of Early English Books Online transcripts (compiled with python scripts 1 and 2, years extracted with perl script 3)
To download list of image urls use bash: wget "$URL" -O page001.jpg
To browse exlibrisgroup catalogs faster, append "&offset=10" to url and increase by 10
Search terms: anglo, saxon, england, english, britain, british, medieval
Catalogs (i.e. lists of primary sources, excluding editions)
Narrow (i.e. genre, location, author)
2017 The Complete Old English Poems. Williamson [repository]
1995 Anglo-Saxon Church Councils c.650-c.850. Cubitt
1988 A handlist of Anglo-Saxon lawsuits. Wormald [repository]
1976 Sources for York History to AD 1100. Rollason
1968 Anglo-Saxon Charters. Sawyer [digitized]
Broad (i.e. language, period)
2014 Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts. Gneuss [repository]
2001 Handlist of Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts. Gneuss
1973 A Plan for the Dictionary of Old English. Frank [digitized]
1957 Catalogue of Manuscripts Containing Anglo-Saxon. Ker
1862 Descriptive catalogue of materials relating to the history of Great Britain Vol I Part II. Hardy [digitized]
1862 Descriptive catalogue of materials relating to the history of Great Britain Vol I Part I. Hardy [digitized]
Bibliographies (i.e. lists of secondary sources, excluding catalogs)
2006 Anglo-Saxon England, Seventh Edition. Keynes [PDF] [table of contents]
1985 Anglo-Saxon History. Rosenthal [digitized]
1980 A Bibliography of Publications on Old English Literature. Greenfield [digitized] [list of texts]
1917 Old English scholarship in England from 1566-1800. Adams [digitized]
1910 Bibliographical Sketch of Anglo-Saxon Literature. Ayres [digitized]
1900 The Sources and Literature of English History from the Earliest Times to About 1485. Gross [digitized]
1885 Grundriss zur Geschichte der angelsächsischen Litteratur. Wülker [digitized]
1840 Anglo-Saxon Literature in England. Petheram [digitized]
1837 Bibliotheque anglo-saxonne. Michel [digitized]
Editions (i.e. reconstructions of primary sources)
2002 The Beginnings of English Law. Oliver
1994 Biblical Commentaries from the Canterbury School of Theodore and Hadrian. Bischoff
1931 The Junius Manuscript. Krapp [digitized]
1930 Anglo-Saxon Wills. Whitelock [digitized]
1919 Aldhelmi Opera. Ehwald [digitized]
1917 An Anglo-Saxon Reader, Fourth Edition. Bright [digitized]
1914 Select English historical documents of the ninth and tenth centuries. Harmer [digitized]
1903 Die Gesetze der Angelsachsen. Liebermann [digitized]
1902 Angelsächsisches Lesebuch. Kluge [digitized]
1888 A Hand-Book to the Land-Charters, and other Saxonic Documents. Earle [digitized]
1885 Cartularium Saxonicum Vol I. Birch [digitized]
1885 The Oldest English Texts. Sweet [digitized]
1869 Councils and ecclesiastical documents relating to Great Britain and Ireland Vol III. Haddan [digitized]
1848 Monumenta Historica Britannica or Materials for the History of Britain Volume I. Petrie [digitized]
1843 The Complete Works Of Venerable Bede Vol I. Giles [digitized]
1832 Die Gesetze der Angelsachsen. Schmid [digitized]
1574 Aelfredi regis res gestae. Parker [digitized]
1571 The Gospels of the fower Euangelistes. Foxe [digitized]
1568 Apxaionomia. Lambardo
1567 A Testimonie of Antiquitie. Joscelin [digitized]
Compilations (i.e. extracts of primary sources, excluding editions)
1889 An introduction to the study of the Anglo-Saxon language. Carpenter [digitized]
1887 A Second Anglo-Saxon Reader. Sweet [digitized]
1876 Sweet's Anglo-Saxon Reader, Thirteenth Edition. Onions [digitized]
1871 Hand-book of Anglo-Saxon and early English. Corson [digitized]
1602 Anglica, hibernica, normannica, cambrica, a veteribvs scripta. Camden [digitized]
Overviews (i.e. discussions of primary sources, excluding catalogs)
Narrow (i.e. genre, location, author)
2019 Anglo-Saxon Micro-Texts. Lenker [repository]
2015 The Old English Penitentials and Anglo-Saxon Law. Jurasinski [repository]
1985 Aldhelm The Poetic Works. Lapidge
1982 The tradition of penitentials in Anglo-Saxon England. Frantzen [repository]
1979 Aldhelm The Prose Works. Lapidge [digitized]
1938 Medieval Handbooks of Penance. McNeill [digitized]
1923 English penitential discipline and Anglo-Saxon law in their joint influence. Oakley [digitized]
1867 The Chartulary of the Monastery of Lyminge. Goulden [digitized]
1852 The Whole Works of King Alfred the Great Vol II. Giles [digitized]
1852 The Whole Works of King Alfred the Great Vol I. Giles [digitized]
1599 The principal navigations. Haklvyt [digitized]
1576 A Perambulation of Kent. Lambard [transcript]
1570 Actes and Monuments, Second Edition. Foxe [transcript]
(1567) A defence of priestes mariages. (Parker) [transcript]
1565 The history of the Church of Englande. Stapleton [transcript]
Broad (i.e. language, period)
2014 The Anglo-Saxon Literature Handbook. Amodio [repository] [list of texts]
2013 A History of Old English Literature, Second Edition. Fulk [repository]
2013 The Cambridge Companion to Old English Literature, Second Edition. Godden [repository]
2013 The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Anglo-Saxon England, Second Edition. Lapidge [repository]
2011 The Cambridge History of the Book in Britain, Volume I. Gameson [repository]
2005 The Anglo-Saxon Library. Lapidge
2003 A History of Old English Literature. Fulk [PDF]
2001 A Companion to Anglo-Saxon Literature. Pulsiano [repository]
1996 Anglo-Latin Literature 600-899. Lapidge [digitized]
1996 English Historical Documents c. 500-1042, Second Edition. Whitelock [list of texts]
1993 Anglo-Latin Literature 900-1066. Lapidge [digitized]
1986 A New Critical History of Old English Literature. Greenfield [digitized]
1985 Learning and Literature in Anglo-Saxon England. Lapidge [repository]
1981 Insular Latin Studies. Herren
1974 Historical Writing in England c. 550 to c. 1307. Grandsen [digitized]
1973 Old English Literature. Grose [digitized]
1972 A Student's Guide to British Literature. Dick [digitized]
1966 The Literature of the Anglo-Saxons, Revised Edition. Anderson
1965 A Critical History of Old English Literature. Greenfield [digitized]
1963 Old English Handbook. Anderson [digitized]
1949 The Literature of the Anglo-Saxons. Anderson [digitized]
1911 Old English Libraries. Savage [digitized] [transcript]
1907 The Cambridge history of English literature, Volume I. Ward [digitized]
1884 Anglo-Saxon Literature. Earle [digitized] [transcript]
1881 A Syllabus of Anglo-Saxon Literature. Hart [digitized]
1858 Cyclopaedia of English literature Vol I. Chambers [digitized]
1597 De literis & lingua getarum. Vvlcanio [digitized]
1587 The third volume of chronicles. Holinshed [transcript]
2003 Carolingian Connections. Story
1997 Anglo-Norman Political Culture and the 12th-Century Renaissance. Hollister
1982 Byrhtferth of Ramsey and the early sections of the Historia Regum attributed to Symeon of Durham. Lapidge [repository]
1978 Self-contained units in composite manuscripts of the Anglo-Saxon period. Robinson [repository]
Books to find
2011 The Cambridge Introduction to Anglo-Saxon Literature. Magennis [preview]
2006 Anglo-Saxon Royal Diplomas: A Palaeography. Thompson
2006 Writing and Texts in Anglo-Saxon England. Rumble
1998 Anglo-Saxon History: A Select Bibliography. Keynes
1996 Books and Libraries in Early England. Gneuss [snippet]
1988 Medieval England An Encyclopedia. Szarmach [preview]
1976 Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts 900-1066 Vol 3. Temple
1976 Anglo-Saxon Vernacular Manuscripts in America. Collins
1975 A Bibliography of English History to 1485. Graves
1974 The New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature Vol I 600-1660. Watson
1971 England Before the Conquest Studies in Primary Sources presented to Dorothy Whitelock. Clemoes [preview]
1957 An Anglo-Saxon and Celtic Bibliography (450-1087). Bosner [preview]
1956 Anglo-Saxon Charters, Second Edition. Robertson [preview]
1955 English Historical Documents c. 500-1042. Whitelock [snippet]
1953 Beowulf, and Judith. Dobbie
1942 The Anglo-Saxon Minor Poems. Dobbie
1936 The Exeter Book. Krapp
1932 The Paris Psalter and the meters of Boethius. Krapp
1932 The Vercelli Book. Krapp
1929 Die Canones Theodori Cantuariensis und ihre Überlieferungsformen. Finsterwalder
1925 Preparatory to Anglo-Saxon England. Stenton [preview]
1572 De antiquitate britannicase ecclesiae
Mirabile middle Latin manuscripts
Earlier Latin manuscripts Google "Anglo-Saxon site:https://elmss.nuigalway.ie"
Early English Laws
Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts at Cambridge University Library
Medieval Sourcebook: Anglo-Saxon England
Prosopography of Anglo-Saxon England
The Electronic Sawyer of Anglo-Saxon charters
Anglo-Saxon Penitentials
Anglo-Saxon Charters at the British Library
Anglo-Saxon Poetry
Dictionary of Old English see list of texts
Anonymous Homilies in Old English
The Cult of Saints in Late Antiquity search "Britain" in full records query
Anglo-Saxon Index at Trinity College Cambridge from 2005, last archived in 2012
The Labyrinth Resources for Medieval Studies contains external links in the sections titled "English, Old", "Manuscripts" and "Latin"
The Old English Manuscripts Database archived in 2007, includes a partly finished downloadable excel table of authors and works
Old English Bibliography 2005
EuroDocs, History of the United Kingdom: Primary Documents
Anglo-Saxon Canon Law, related PhD thesis
Fontes Anglo-Saxonici, deprecated, but has list of select manuscripts. Archived here.
Sources of Anglo-Saxon Literary Culture, source project, static since 2013
Anglo-Saxon law, List of works by Bede, Old English literature, Anglo-Latin literature, Anglo-Saxon runes, Lapidge bibliography, Codices Latini Antiquiores, Anglo-Saxon charters
Aldhelm, Tatwine, Bede, Boniface, Alcuin, Alfred, Ælfric
2020 Roman and Runic in the Anglo-Saxon Inscriptions at Monte Sant’Angelo. Waldispühl repository, images
2019 Absolute chronology of early sound changes reflected in Pre-Old English runic inscriptions. Waxenberger repository
2018 A fourth supplement to Hand-List of Anglo-Saxon Non-Runic Inscriptions. Okasha repository
2013 Recording English, Researching English, Transforming English. Sauer repository
2004 A third supplement to Hand-List of Anglo-Saxon Non-Runic Inscriptions. Okasha repository
1995 Runes and Runic Inscriptions: Collected Essays on Anglo-Saxon and Viking Runes. Page preview
1992 A second supplement to Hand-List of Anglo-Saxon Non-Runic Inscriptions. Okasha repository
1991 Old English Runes and Their Continental Background. Bammesberger searchable
1990 Britain 400–600: Language and history. Bammesberger searchable 1, searchable 2
1982 A supplement to Hand-List of Anglo-Saxon Non-Runic Inscriptions. Okasha repository
1973 The Anglo-Saxon Cemeteries of Caistor-by-Norwich and Markshall, Norfolk. Myres [repository]
1971 Hand-List of Anglo-Saxon Non-Runic Inscriptions Okasha
1885 The Oldest English Texts Sweet full-text
1866 The old-northern runic monuments of Scandinavia and England, Vol I. Stephens [digitized]
1840 On Anglo-Saxon Runes. Kemble repository
Corpus of Anglo-Saxon stone sculpture, Google "inscription site:www.ascorpus.ac.uk/catvol1" for 1 to 11
Germanic Runes Database in development. Great Britain country. Search "OE" in "Filter entries..." field. Google "OE site:https://www.runesdb.de" and "OE site:https://www.runesdb.eu" Note: Isle of Man is categorized separately, example IM MM102
Anglo-Saxon runes wiki page listing some inscriptons
Anglo-Saxon Runic Inscriptions around the North Sea
Frisian runic inscriptions list, some considered English
2017 A catalogue of manuscripts known to contain Old English dry-point glosses Dieter full-text
1998 More Glosses in Early Medieval English Manuscripts McGowan full text
1945 Old English Glosses (A Collection) Meritt full-text
1900 Old English Glosses Chiefly Unpublished Napier full-text
Old English Glosses in the Bergmann/Stricker-Katalog of old German glosses
2008 Early Anglo-Saxon Coins Williams searchable
2006 Coinage and History in the North Sea World c. 500-1250. Cook preview
2003 The Iconography of Early Anglo-Saxon Coinage Gannon preview
1993 Thrymsas and Sceattas in the Ashmolean Museum Oxford Vol I Metcalf searchable
1948 Anglo-Saxon Gold Coinage in the Light of the Crondall Hoard Sutherland searchable
1887 A catalogue of English coins in the British museum. Anglo-Saxon series Keary full-text
Checklist of Coin Hoards from the British Isles
Corpus of Early Medieval Coin Finds & Sylloge of Coins of the British Isles database
History of the English penny (c. 600 – 1066)
Portable Antiquities Scheme, 4807 coins as of August 2020
Anglo-Saxon England
NOWELE: North-Western European Language Evolution
Notes to self
Move this partly accessible 2002 translation to herbarium page
Werden fragments possibly related to the Epinal-Erfurt Glossary
Leiden riddle freely viewable here
Note to self: reply to this guy when done
Consider including material written about or copied by Anglo-Saxons, or written in England by non-Anglo-Saxons
Boniface era Northumbrian proverb probably found in one of these manuscripts
Descriptions and type (ex. original, translation, adaptation) may be included.
Reconstruction word count might be most useful.
This temple by Bugge's beautiful effort was built/Of meter and riddles and also feet rules
Broad dating periods sorted by the latest value in the first period. (ex. 6th-10th century appears at the end of the 6th century, 599)
Early-, mid- and late- century descriptions interpreted as thirds for chronological ordering. (ex. 0-33,34-66,67-99)
Consider consulting anglo-saxon dictionary bibliographies for source material
catalogue entry for frankish annals
basilica of peter and paul is in Phil 1825
Titles taken from most recent peer-reviewed English study or translation
left off:https://archive.org/details/churchhistorpt203unknuoft/page/n77/mode/2up,http://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/657/pg657-images.html,http://asc.jebbo.co.uk/intro.html
Latin OCR for tesseract transcription of manuscripts
Text reconstructions and translations favor completeness, peer review, recency, plaintext, and single page in that order.
Titles will lead to manuscripts, reconstructions, translations, transcripts with character counts, date/location references, source documents, wiki links.